söndag 5 september 2010

The end of an Era, the dawn of the future!

Hello world.

Sorry for not keeping this blog up-to-date, let me tell you what has happend since the last post! First of, I'm done with the iPhone app development ( for now at least.. ). I had a couple of reasons for leaving the iPhone "dev-circle". The biggest reason is the fact that Apple turned down a lot of people with the iOS 4.0. I was very exited on the release day, installed it directly on my iPhone ( a 3G ) and at first it was good. But during the week I tried it out I started noticing how my phone was getting slowdowned and frozed a lot more often than usuall. My battery drained even though I didn't use it for more then just checking the time/surfing. I was also not aware that Apple took away all the features that made iOS4 interesting, like the multitasking/background picture for the springboard.

My resoultion? I jailbroke my iPhone and it's really alot better, I get the same features as in iOS4 but I can use my phone and the battery last as good as it was day one! I really enjoy all the extra stuff you can do with an "open" iPhone. And no, just because I jailbroke my iPhone, that does not mean that I'm a pirate now. What I think most people fails to understand is the fact that when you have jailbroken your phone it doesn't include any way to download pirated apps. If you want to join the "darkside" you will have to add additional sources ( a form of repositories ) in Cydia. So don't hate the jailbreakers, hate the pirates! I've downloaded alot of apps, both from the Cydia store and the AppStore, I have NEVER downloaded an pirated app!

Ok, now where done with the iPhone. What's next? Well, I'm currently unemployed ( HIRE ME!!!! ) so I will be focusing on building my portfolio and learning a lot of new stuff! First up, Xbox Live Indie! I will try to post some updates on this blog during my tries :) More info will come when I have something neat to show.

Bye! For now....^^


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