torsdag 31 december 2009

Let me introduce: iSpark

First of all, thanks to the man/woman at Apple who reviewed iSpark in 48 hours! That's a new record for my apps, and I'm really happy about it being released before the new year .

This is what I wrote in the description on the Appstore:

"iSpark is a Particle Manipulator that lets you play around with 4 individual particle launchers. Each launcher can be customized using the sliders, you can choose size of the particles, growth, number of particles launched, speed of particles, you can even change the shape of the particles!
iSpark is the perfect app to play with during boring busrides, lectures or meetings. It's silent, fun and the result of a couple of minutes of tinkering is usually quite breathtaking.
Directly when you start the app there will be a tutorialvideo explaining the basics of the app, after that you're on your own, but you can always restart the app to see the video again.

iSpark manages 1200 particles when all the number sliders are at the far right, this means some pretty tough calculations for you iPhone/iPod, don't throw the app away if you get low framrate, try waiting for a bit or restarting the app. iSpark uses the accelerometer to affect the particles, try rotating your device to get different effects. It's also the perfect app for the holiday, celebrate the new year with 100% safe fireworks!"

And now to the nice part, it's free for NOW, it will be free for 2-3 hours so hurry up and download it now before the price is rised to the unhuman price of 0.99 $...

Have a great New Year's Eve!

Joakim Rosenstam

fredag 25 december 2009

News and a Contest!!!

Good news first

As some of you might have heard, I'm working on a new app, this app will be released sometime in the beginning of 2010, I still need to work alot on the UI but all major functions of the app is already done.

This time I'm really pleased with my work, the new app is a "particle manipulator", which basicly means that you have control of a number of particle emitters :). So far you control 4 emitters and you can move them, change number, size, speed and alot of other varibles. You can also manipulate the color and shape of the particles for each of the emitters.


Yes I shall have a contest! I need help with comming up with a good name for the new app, if you got a good name for it, post it here in the comments or send it too me by mail at:

The rules are the following:

* The name of the app cannot be offensive.
* The name of the app needs to be really awesome, not just "P4rticl3s".

Don't take the contest to serious, I will however reward the winner with... Well we have to see about that later, but the winner will most definitely have his/her name somewhere in the new app :)

That is all for now, more info will come soon, happy holidays!

fredag 20 november 2009

Free For All!

Hello world, it's friday and today I'm feeling good so I decided to cut the price on all of my apps! Yeap that's right all my apps are now available for 0.00 $ ( or 0 kr if your from Sweden ) I will keep the low price only for this weekend.

Check them out and send me some feedback on them!

söndag 25 oktober 2009

Free Stuff!! ( U.S only )

Yeah that's right I will have a small giveaway of 10 of my apps ( 5 iKeepScore & 5 iThinkQuick ). All you have to do to get one of the apps is to live in the U.S and send an email to:

the mail must contain which app you want and the titel of the mail should be: "iPhone App Giveaway". Hurry up to receive a free copy of iKeepScore or iThinkQuick!

Have a good one!

Joakim Rosenstam

fredag 16 oktober 2009

iKeepScore version 1.5.1 is out!

Great way to start the weekend, my app "iKeepScore" just got through the appreview process and will be out on the AppStore toworrow! I will post a link to the app here when it's out.

This update fixes the bugs i talked about in this post, the update is free so if you are a proud owner of iKeepScore go update it!

söndag 4 oktober 2009

Bugs.. Gotta love 'Em :)

Last night I recived a mail from a user of iKeepScore reporting some odd behavior. I booted up my version of iKeepScore, and sure enough the bug was there too. I went to sleep and first thing in the morning I started looking around the code, everything looked ok! Well, to be able to explain the solution I must explain how the app works.

What I have done is that I tagged each cell in iKeepScore with a number from 1 - 108 ( 6 players * 18 cells ) and in the
score calculating code I loop through the cells, adding the numbers together to a total score at the bottom. So this is was basiclly happend : one of the cells had the wrong tag...

So I decided to put the cells tag in the cell. The tag is basicly just a number. If you look to the right you will see two screenshots, the left one is correct, the right one is the one I got the first time. So the bug was this: instead of putting a 6 in cell number
6s tag, I had put 56 there.. and it got better... You can see that the cell where there are supposed to be a 42 is empty? Turns out I put a 41 in
that tag too. That one would have been
really hard for a user to catch, as it adds to the correct column.

I've updated the apps and sent in them to the Apple review team, expect the update to be released in about 3 weeks!

lördag 3 oktober 2009

Denied again..

Just got another mail from Apple regarding my new app, looks like I resolved the issue on iPhones but not on iPods, argh... Well I'm fixing it right now, and hoping it won't take another 20 days to get some kind of respond from Apple :(

lördag 12 september 2009

Small Update regarding the new apps..

Got my first rejection mail from Apple today.. I had forgot to put in an error message that should be displeyed if the user has lost connectivity... Well it took five minutes to put in, so I changed some other things to, I'm really exited about these apps. Sorry for all the secrecy about the two new apps, but I will provide more info when they're out!

That's all for now, have a great weekend!

fredag 4 september 2009

iThinkQuick 1.1 is now ready for sale! And some stats!

iThinkQuick v1.1!

Yeap just got the mail from Apple, the new version of iThinkQuick is out! The new version got 2 new minigames and alot of new graphics, and perhaps the best feature is that the game is now playable on iPhone and iPod Touch devices which hasn't been upgraded to the OS 3.0!

You can download the new version of the app here: iThinkQuick v1.1 @ iTunes

Some Nice Stats!

I thought of putting some stats up here for my two apps, iThinkQuick and iKeepScore.

With "Upgrades" I mean how many people who have downloaded version 1.0 and stayed with it untill a new version was released and updated to that version.

424 Upgrades
49 % of customers is located in the U.S

1735 Downloads ( 1700 Downloads first week )
0 Upgrades ( new version today! )
51 % of customers is located in the U.S

Well that's all for now, I will be back later when the ( hopfully ) "ready for sale" mail from Apple is recived again!

I will be working on a website this weekend, will link you guys to it when it's done!

Joakim Rosenstam

lördag 29 augusti 2009

New app in review!

I just sent in a new app for review, it's really 2 apps, one of them is a free version and the other one will cost 0.99$. I wont publish anything about what the app does before it comes out but it has something to do with news...

The free version will have ads in it, and the paid one will remove these. This is the first time I've been working with AdMob and the experience so far has been great, it was really easy to integrate with my app and get to function fully, so thank you AdMob for bringing an easy AdFramework to the table :)

Have a great weekend, I'll be back later when I get some new info about iThinkQuick 1.1!

tisdag 25 augusti 2009

iKeepScore version 1.5 is out!

iKeepScore version 1.5 passed the review process and is now ready for sale! The new features in this update is an added support for the "Shake-to-Clear" function, automatic save/load preventing your gamedata getting lost by a call or sms! You can download iKeepScore @ iTunes or at the AppStore on your iPhone/iPod Touch for 0.99$!

That's all for now, will be back with more news on iThinkQuick when it get's the ok from the reviewteam.

lördag 22 augusti 2009

iThinkQuick 1.1 in review!

I just sent in an small update for iThinkQuick that fixes a small bug, added some new graphics, added some instructions and I added 2 more minigames. I know it's not alot of games but they really change the flow of the game. I also changed a few things to make the app run on devices with a OS older then the 3.0 version that's out now.

Expect the update to be out in 2-3 weeks ( around the 7th of september ).

I'm tossing up a screenshot from the new version, have a nice weekend, and as usual email me or comment if you have problems/questions!

Hasta la Vista!

torsdag 20 augusti 2009

iPhone Development Weekend!

This weekend I will sit down and make some more minigames ,fix some issues and adding some features for my app iThinkQuick, so if you have any kind of new feature or a new minigame you would like too see, please leave a comment on this post about it, or send me an email:

Have a nice day!

onsdag 19 augusti 2009

iKeepScore has been downloaded 1010 times! iThinkQuick is now free!

Yes it's true my first app I made has been downloaded over 1000 times and I hope most users will download the update version I have sent in to Apples review team!

To celebrate reaching 1000+ downloads I'm lowering the price on iThinkQuick to... nothing! So go ahead and download your free copy of iThinkQuick @ iTunes or the AppStore on your iPhone/iPod Touch!

Of course iKeepScore is still available and I hope to see more people downloading it when the update is out!

lördag 15 augusti 2009

It's out!

I just got the "Your app is ready for sale" mail from Apple regarding "iThinkQuick", it's not currently available for download but it will be later today!

Here is the link: iThinkQuick @ iTunes as I said, it's not 100 % sure it's available right now please wait a couple of hours and it will be up!



This is a simple "minigame" based game. It holds 4 mini games that are supposted to be be completed in under 10 seconds. The 4 minigames are simple, and I'm planning to make more minigames to put into the game.

This game is supposted to be played with friends, alot of them! I got support for 8 players (not simultaneous though), you simply take turn on the singleplayer game.

I'm currently charging 0.99 $ for this app.

You can download the game here: iThinkQuick @ iTunes



This is my first app I ever created and sent to the AppStore, it's been out for almost a month and has about 1000 downloads. The price is 0.99 $.

The app itself is very simple, it's a scorepad for miniatuer golf. You fill in your name and then you start playing, putting the numbers in the cells after each hole. It also saves the scores when the app quits. Another feature is the "Shake-to-Clear" feature that many apps utilizes. Simply shake the device and all scorecells will be cleared!

You can get the app here: iKeepScore @ iTunes

Booting up...

Hey this is a blog a made for publishing info about the apps I've been making for iPhone/iPod Touch. I will post stuff like: when I'm starting development on new apps, when I post new apps for the AppStore and any other stuff that's related to my development of apps.

If you have any questions regarding any of my apps or this blog, feel free to leave a comment or send a mail to: